Excelenta calitate customer care pe Strawberrynet.com/ Excellent quality level of the customer care services on Strawberrynet.com

E prima data cand voi scrie un articol in romana si in engleza, pentru ca am fost extrem de placut impresionata de calitatea serviciilor de relatii clienti pe Strawberrynet.com si imi doresc ca mesajul meu sa ajunga cat mai departe si chiar sa fie citit de acei oameni minunati care se ocupa  de acest magazin online.

It is my first time when I write an article in Romanian and in English because I was extremely delighted about the high quality level of the customer care services on Strawberrynet.com and I really want that my message arrives all over the world and, why not, to those nice people in charge with this online shop.

Stau mereu atenta la promotiile de pe Strawberrnet.com si cand apare o oferta foarte buna, cumpar imediat. Asa am facut cu pudra Organza Indecence pentru corp de la Givenchy care a fost intr-una din promotiile zilnice la un pret de 86 de lei. Un pret excelent, tinand cont ca acest produs costa in mod normal vreo 150 de lei. Pudra are efect bronzant , dar si parfumant….miroase extrem de bine, fiind extensia de gama a parfumului Organza de la Givenchy, pe care il am in dotare :).

I keep an eye on Strawberrynet.com promo daily and when a good offer appears, I buy on the spot. This is it what I’ve done with the Givenchy – Organza Indecence Bronzing Powder which was in a daily promo for the price of 86 RON. An excellent price, the normal price for this item is around 150 RON. The powder has a bronzing effect, but also the fragrance effect is good…it smells very good, it is the range extension for the Organza perfume from Givenchy, which I already have :).

Nu am fost foarte norocoasa si produsul a sosit cu probleme, desi nu mi s-a mai intamplat niciodata sa am probleme cu comenzi pe Strawberrynet.com, comand la ei din 2008. Pudra , desi avea ambalajul intact, iesise din flacon, cam 5% din continut si se imprastiase in cutia produsului….mirosea foarte bine, nu am ce zice. Am dat imediat un mail cu poze catre Strawberrynet si in maxim o ora am avut un reply foarte clar si bine formulat, mi se oferea fie sa mi se retrimita un alt produs , fie sa mi se returneze banii. Am zis ca vreau alt produs.

I wasn’t so lucky and this product arrived with problems, although it never happen to me to have issues with orders on Strawberrynet.com, I am their customer since 2008. The powder, even if the packaging was perfect, was spreaded all around inside the box, almost 5% of the content was inside the box of this product. I wrote immediatelly an email to them, with pictures attached, and in one hour maximum I had a reply in my inbox very clear and coherent, they were offering me the replacement or the refund of the product. I asked for a replacement.

Peste o saptamana aveam deja acasa al doilea tub de pudra. A sosit cam cu aceeasi problema, insa de data aceasta era mai putina pudra imprastiata prin cutie…totusi era. Mi-am dat seama ca nu e problema lor, este problema producatorului care nu a gandit un sistem de inchidere bun….pudra iese libera prin pamatuf si oricum ai transporta-o, tot va iesi un pic. Le-am multumit si le-am spus ca nu mai vreau nimic, doar ca ii rog sa notifice si ei producatorul, e pacat ca un produs asa bun sa nu aibe un ambalaj corespunzator. Din nou am primit un reply rapid si mi-au multumit de idee , dar mi-au spus ca imi vor deconta 50% din valoarea produsului….pentru ca totusi el nu a ajuns la mine intact. Am zis ok si in nici 5 zile aveam banii inapoi in cont. Le-am multumit pe email spunandu-le ca felul lor de a-si trata clientii este excelent si ca voi scrie despre asta.

In one week I has already at home the product replaced . It arrived with the same problem, but this time the damagge was not so strong…a very small quantity of powder was spread inside the packaging. This time I realized it is not the shop problem, it is the producer issue who didn’t put a good sealing system for this powder. The powder can go out easily trough the brush and no matter how you handle this for shipping, some powder go out. I thank again to Strawberry and I said that I don’t want anymore something else, but to notice the producer about this packaging problem. It is a pity that such a good product come with a not so good packaging. They replied me very fast , they thank to me and they come with an additional action: 50% refund on this product. I thank them again and I told them that I will write about this because they treat their customers in an excellent way.

De ce mi-a placut atitudinea lor:
– au raspuns extrem de repede la mail;
– au raspuns cu mesaj personalizat, nu cu mesajele acelea reci automate care sunt setate pe server si dupa care mai dureaza 24 de ore pana primesti un raspuns de la un operator;
– au reactionat imediat cu inlocuirea produsului si apoi au reactionat extrem de repede cu reducerea de pret suplimentara.
– in final eu am doua produse, e adevarat nu in stare de facut cadou, dar suficient de bune pentru uzul meu personal, la jumatatea pretului promotional.

Why I liked their attitude:
– they replied me very fast;
– they replied me in a very personalized way, not with that cold and automatic message sent by a server…..which is normally followed in 24hours by a message typed by a human agent;
– they reacted immediately with the replacement and after this they came very fast with the 50% refund.
– in the end I have 2 products, it is true not in that shape to be offered as a gift, but good enough for my personal usage, for half of the promo price.

E simplu, voi fi mereu client Strawberrynet.com.
It is simple, I will be always a customer of Strawberrynet.com

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